things i noticed/thought about on the drive:
-i like driving at night because it saves time. i mean, you'd just be sleeping anyway, so you might as well be driving. but there is one problem. i like the stars. and at night, driving out on an open highway, you can see them really well without all the city lights around. it's just probably not the safest thing trying to stare out my window to get a good look at the stars while driving.
-i really think i could have listened to the Jon Foreman CDs the whole 30 hours and been completely happy.
-this is something i've thought about before, but i'll take advantage of this opportunity to tell you about it. i know you are familiar with this sign:

but does it bother you like it bothers me?? when have you ever seen a deer leaping across the highway like this?? sure, when they are out in a field running, they might prance around a bit...but that is not what they are doing on the highway. if they were, they probably wouldn't get hit by cars so much. i just feel the sign would be more adequate if it pictured a deer just standing there.
-about a week after i got to california, they put into effect a cell phone law. you could only use hands-free phones. so on my drive back to Indiana, and now just driving around town, i feel like i'm doing something "bad" when i use the phone while driving. but then i realize it's perfectly okay here, and i smile and leap for joy and continue my legal phone conversation while driving.
okay, so moving on to being back in Indiana. as most of you now know, i am going to fill in at the O for a few months. i got back in town Friday night, and fly out of Evansville early tomorrow (wednesday) morning. it has been a crazy 4 days!! i won't go into all the details, but i do want to praise God for His faithfulness! from the moment i agreed to go to Haiti, i knew it was what wanted and what God had called me to...but i couldn't see the big picture of how it would all work out. But since then God has worked everything out in ways i would not have even hoped for! He is faithful indeed!!
well, that's all from time i'll be posting from Haiti...