the fun is not over yet. i get a dreaded letter in the mail- i'm a prospective for jury duty on Wednesday. as i complain to everyone about jury duty, they all tell me not to worry about it, there's a 9 out of 10 chance there won't even be a trial. so i relax a bit. until tuesday night when i call and find out there is a trial. i call a couple of times, just to make sure. no mistaking it, i have to be at the courthouse the next morning. (yeah, i got really comfortable with the courthouse that week...) so i'm pretty bitter about having jury duty, there's so much i need to get done at work before i leave!! but when i get to the courthouse, and am sitting amoungst the other prosective jurers, i decide that this could turn out to be kinda cool. and hey, who cares what doesn't get done at work?? i should totally embrace the opportunity to miss a few hours of work. i didn't figure i would actually get picked to be on the jury. but guess what?? yes, yes i did. and i loved it!! i loved jury duty! and i got to miss more than a few hours of work, i was at the courthouse for about 8-9 hours wednesday...and the trial continued on to thursday for a good 8 hours! i didn't want jury duty at first because it was new to me, something i'd never done before, and it was disrupting my schedule. but now, i'd make a career out of jury duty if i could.
i thoght about why i liked it, and here's what i came up with: i love to decide for myself what i believe and then try and convince others why they should believe the same. i don't ride the fence or sit in grey. i like to know what i believe is true. it's either black or it's white. it's true or it's not. and once i learn and study and am able to rationally decide what is truth, i'm ready to debate with those who disagree!!
friday, i still have to work, but i get off earlier than usual. so now it's time to get ready for Haiti!!
I had a great time in Haiti, i could have stayed there much longer than a week!! which is why i'm hoping to go back sometime soon. if only money grew on trees... i think i might quit my job and put all my effort into trying to grow a money tree. i think that would be a much better investment of my time. anyway, i don't really know what to say about my trip, except that i had a great time. and i already said that. so here's some pics for you to enjoy. a picture is worth a thousand words!!
hey, sounds like you've been busy! i am at!
i would love, always love, pictures of my kids! when are you coming back?
i'm actually hoping to go on the first october trip. i just have to talk to my boss @ work about long as he okays it, i'm in!!
Let me talk to your boss for you...;)
I have heard only good things about you and your time spent in Haiti. Thanks for going and loving on the kids and working so hard. I hope you are able to go back very very soon!!!
megan~ I loved the time I got to spend with you in Haiti. You are an amazing young lady and I hope we get to meet again someday! I'm moving to Haiti on Oct 12th so if you go on the first trip in Octobber we will just miss each other. But, that just means you will have to come again!
That would be awesome if you went on the first October trip. I finally bought our tickets so we are definitely going now. Thanks for all the pictures and videos of Steven and Belle. I loved them. I can't wait to see the other video you did.
Hey I just found your blog!
I'm glad you went to Haiti. I knew everyone would love you! Granted our relationship started during a blury eyed late night Bible study. But I think your great!
And you can tell your boss to take a flying leap! Ha!
Hey that CD picture show rocked hard core!!! i should have figured it would since you MEGAN made it with your super skills. I enjoyed haiti so much and i am so happy for you that you are able to go in OCtober and i know the funds will come in in time. And i will also dedicate my efforts in development of money trees! okey dokey see you sunday for some awesome nancy drew time. weee-heee
LOVE the LORd alllllll the time.. <><
haha... I had jury duty the week before I moved to Haiti. Weird. I'm glad you were able to make it!
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