Wednesday, July 2, 2008


well, i made it to California. if you don't already know, i came out here to stay for the summer and am staying with the Hoffmann's.

here is what a drive to california looks like:

and a few things i've discovered:

-Californians think being in a turn lane means you don't have to use a turn signal
-my definition of "sleeping in" has changed
-everyone i know, i know because i've babysat their children


Elias said...

from the pictures it looks like a beautiful drive. but from the driver's seat i can imagine 30 hrs would better be defined as "long" rather than "beautiful".

but i'm glad you came.

how about 3 1/2 more?

CG said...

Thanks, Spidey- for getting our girl safely to Cali!

Shannon H. said...

What - no pictures of Palmdale? I'm still UH-mazed at how 'efficiently' you drove. (I don't want to say fast because you never know who could turn you in.

You have to wake up early here while it is still cool. It can be 90 by 9am in August...

Elisabeth said...

she drove while taking pictures, and lives to tell about it.

great pictures!

Ashly said...

i'm glad you're there safely. i want to hear about it! let me know what you are up to!

jen said...

you have never babysat my kids!!!

I am your friend because we met at THE Vineyard several days in a row and I feel in love with ya.

angela said...

well, i surely turn off my blinker once i get in the turn lane! i mean, why would i be there if i wasn't turning?! isn't that enough of a sign? :)

i'm glad you're here too!

Kristina said...

We miss you here! But I know you wouldn't do anything that God hadn't given his blessing on. SO enjoy and bless those around you!

Leah said...

You know me and you have yet to babysit my kiddos...although now that you mention it...

Let's not be too critical about using turn signals. Apparently tailgating is second nature where you come from. =)

Gretchen, Frits, Elisabeth, Harrison and Mia said...

Safety Hazard!!!