Thursday, May 28, 2009


cutest cat ever. and may i also add, a proud mother who gave birth two. they didn't make it, but that's apparently normal for a young mother and her first litter. (and her last!) i think becoming a mother though pushed her out of the kitten stage. now she is just cuddly, calm, and sweet. she is definitely one of the best cats ever. (no offense to Newton or Sassie. they are of course among the best too)

the upside down w/ the legs above the head is just always cute!

Eames and my friend Dana bonded....


Kathy Eden said...

Sorry to hear about Eames loss but looks like she has recovered well. She is such a good kitty!

CG said...

I'm so glad you have her. It's important to have someone to love and be loved by when you're in a hard place. Love you, Megs!

cathy.troy said...

Megan - I am so confused. I had heard that Eames had to be put to sleep?

Anonymous said...

she was going to be put to sleep, but then the vet said he could just hold her there for 10 days in quarantine. Some ppl still think it's not a good idea to have pets here anymore though, so i'm trying to find a new home for her.

cathy.troy said...

Well, I'm glad she survived. I think having her there may help the kids that are going to have pets when they get home. Praying!

Lara said...

She is super cute! I'm glad she seems to have 9 lives :-)