Saturday, September 29, 2007

there is a fountain

This is one of my favorite hymns!! and i love Selah's version of it. i wanted to put a video w/ it on here...but didn't find one i liked, so i made my own. enjoy!!

Thursday, September 20, 2007


My cars name is Scottie.

listening to the song "amazing grace" on bag pipes makes me tear up.

i hate the sound of a cat licking themselves. it's not the fact that they are licking's just the sound. i can't stand it. it makes me mad.

i can't carry a tune. but i love music.

it's hard to choose- but probably my favorite road trip was w/ some friends from college. we went to New Orleans for a few days (before katrina) and then drove over to Florida and camped on a beach. i miss those people!!

a guy asked me for my phone number tonight at work. why did i give it to him? as soon as he said, "i have a personal question for you" i knew what was coming. i actually responded by saying "uh oh". then comes "are you single?" why can't i lie? why can't i ever just say no, actually i'm married? and then comes "do you want to go on a date sometime?" i've GOT to start saying i'm married...

my sister moved to outside of Atlanta beginning of the year. i haven't visited her yet. i had planned to at one time, but then i went to haiti instead!

i know how to say "you're nothing!" in portuguese.

i'm absolutely terrified of spiders. yes, i realize i'm bigger than them and they can't really hurt me...but they are ugly and scary nonetheless!!

and my cat is licking himself right now....

i don't cook. not that i can't....i just don't.

in high school, i worked at chuck E. cheese's. and i have worn the mouse costume. i caught myself smiling for pictures, then realizing i had a mask on, i didn't have to smile.

i have an alternate personality. her name is Peggy, she is a part of the "clan" from New York. grew up in harlem, moved to brooklyn when she was 12. she doesn't have a mother, she has two fathers, George and Henry....

a crazy guy i used to work with (not at chuck e. cheese) really did think i had an alter-ego. He insisted that my name was Becky and i had an alter-ego named Heather. he referred to me as Becky, he introduced me to ppl as Becky. i tried to tell him my name was megan, but he insisted that it was not...

my younger brother is a military police in the army and currently in afghanistan. he makes me proud!! his wife lives in Savannah, where he was stationed before he left.

christopher walken on snl is the funniest thing ever!!!

my favorite movie is "tears of the sun". go watch it right now.

i wouldn't live if peanut butter didn't exsist. manba a!!

Sunday, September 9, 2007

the beauty of adoption

adopt- ORIGIN late 15th cent.: via French from Latin adoptare, from -ad 'to' + optare 'choose'

i'm not adopted. and i've never adopted a child. so i'm really not the most qualified to speak on the matter, but this is my blog, so i'm going to! but feel free to disagree, correct, or add!

i think adoption is a beautiful thing. to take someone else's child and raise him or her up as their own. it's obviously something i can't fully understand...but that's what i think is so amazing about it. when i read on a parents blog the longing and desire they have for their child that they are waiting to bring home, a child that many of them have only physically had contact with a few times, i can only believe the desire to adopt comes from God. where else would it come from?? to meet a child, or maybe having not yet met them, but have such a love that you could say "i want to bring you home as my son". these children all have different stories- some of them are at orphanges because no one loved them, some are there because someone loved them enough to try and do the best thing. but however they got there, they all now have something in common- a need. a need for a family, a need for a home. so for someone to come and say, "my family will be your family, my home will be your home." is a beautiful thing!! and is it not what Christ has done for us??

"God sent forth his Son, born of a woman, born under the law, to redeem those who were under the law, so that we might receive adoption as sons. And because you are sons, God has sent the Spirit of his son into our hearts, crying, "Abba! Father!" So you are no longer a slave, but a son, and if a son, then an heir through God." Galations 4:4-7. This verse tells us that we are born under the law and as slaves. But Christ has redeemed us so that we can be adopted as sons, no longer under the law, no longer slaves- but sons of God!! under the law we had no hope to be saved. "For we ourselves were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another. But when the goodness and loving kindness of God our Savior appeared, he saved us, not because of works done by us in righteousness, but according to his own mercy, by the washing regeneration and renewal of the Holy Spirit." Titus 3:3-5. We are sons of the Most High God!! He has take us in as his family, welcomed us into his home, given us his name, and made us heirs to all that He is!! "the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay and obtain the freedom of the glory of the children of God."...but we have not yet obtained our full redemption..."and not only the creation, but we ourselves, who have the firstfruits of the spirit, groan inwardly as we wait eagerly for adoption as sons, the redemption of our bodies." romans 8:21;23.

Do not grow weary in your waiting!! The adoption will be more than worth it!!

Monday, September 3, 2007

some funnies

(ignore the cow. thats from chik-fil-a)
If you live in evansville and have been to the Vineyard, you might appreciate these more. But all you need to know is that the Vineyard is a christian bookstore in Evansville. just imagine the Family Christian Bookstore or Lifeway, except BETTER. and here are a few funny or just weird moments w/ customers.

a man walks in, walks to customer service and asks, "Do you guys sell shot glasses?" after informing him that we do not, he left, and then we had the idea that we should have shown him to our communion cups....

I answered the phone once like so: "thank you for calling the vineyard, this is megan, how can i help you?" the lady said she wanted to make reservations. i was confused, but i thought maybe she just meant she wanted to put a book on hold or something. so i asked her, "Reservations for what?" "For dinner" she replied. "um...we're a bookstore..."

I was up near the front of the store, when a lady came in. She looked around real quick, then whispered to me, "Is this all religious stuff?" I said yes, so she said "Oh, wrong store." and left.

Customer: Um...How do you spell Vineyard?
Customer's friend: You don't know? It's V-I-N-E-W-A-R-D.

"What, you don't think you have any Billy Graham on CD? Well, I guess we could go with cassettes. But if you're all out of those, records will be just fine."

again, i answer the phone w/ our vineyard greeting, and this time i get, "We're out of food." i hesitate, not knowing how to reply, and she continues, "We haven't had any for a couple of days." i guess i should have refered her to somewhere else, but again, the only response i could come up w/ was "um....we're a bookstore."

believe it or not, we get people all the time that think we are a winery. i guess i can't blame them too much when they call in asking us what kind of wine we have, since they just looked in the phonebook and saw "the vineyard". but when they actually come to our store...the first clue that we aren't a winery would be on the outside of the building where it says "books, music, gifts, cafe". wine is not on the list!! but still, we get it all the time. one specific time, a customer comes up to me in the cafe and says "'re not a winery?" "no" she starts to walk away, then turns around, "so why are you called the vineyard?"

Customer: "Can I ask you a question?"
Employee: "Uh, yeah."
Customer: "Why are you open on Sundays?"
Employee: Explanation...
*Note: Customer came in on a Sunday.

and last but not least, one of the running jokes at the vineyard. i'm sitting in customer service, minding my own business, doing some work on the computer. a customer is at the serivce desk, chatting with another employee that he knows. he then turns his attention to me. "why do you have your eyebrow pierced? you don't need that, you're too pretty for that" (because apparently, only ugly ppl should pierce their eyebrows) so i kinda answer him, but keep my focus on what i'm doing. (also, sidenote, at the time i had a few more piercings in my ears than i have now.) he then continues his converstion w/ the other employee, not for long though. he turns his attention back to me. (still minding my own business on the computer) "what's your name" he asks me. i tell him. then he says, "megan, what's on your mind?" i answer with the time, because it's almost time for me to get off. "no, besides that," he says, "there's something bothering you." i insist that i'm fine. he insists that i'm not. he's a pastor, so he gives me his card and tells me i can call him any time i need to. and then leaves me with this: "i'll tell you what. i'm going to put you on my prayer list. as a matter of fact, i''m going to bump you to the top."