(ignore the cow. thats from chik-fil-a)
If you live in evansville and have been to the Vineyard, you might appreciate these more. But all you need to know is that the Vineyard is a christian bookstore in Evansville. just imagine the Family Christian Bookstore or Lifeway, except BETTER. and here are a few funny or just weird moments w/ customers.
a man walks in, walks to customer service and asks, "Do you guys sell shot glasses?" after informing him that we do not, he left, and then we had the idea that we should have shown him to our communion cups....
I answered the phone once like so: "thank you for calling the vineyard, this is megan, how can i help you?" the lady said she wanted to make reservations. i was confused, but i thought maybe she just meant she wanted to put a book on hold or something. so i asked her, "Reservations for what?" "For dinner" she replied. "um...we're a bookstore..."
I was up near the front of the store, when a lady came in. She looked around real quick, then whispered to me, "Is this all religious stuff?" I said yes, so she said "Oh, wrong store." and left.
Customer: Um...How do you spell Vineyard?
Customer's friend: You don't know? It's V-I-N-E-W-A-R-D.
"What, you don't think you have any Billy Graham on CD? Well, I guess we could go with cassettes. But if you're all out of those, records will be just fine."
again, i answer the phone w/ our vineyard greeting, and this time i get, "We're out of food." i hesitate, not knowing how to reply, and she continues, "We haven't had any for a couple of days." i guess i should have refered her to somewhere else, but again, the only response i could come up w/ was "um....we're a bookstore."
believe it or not, we get people all the time that think we are a winery. i guess i can't blame them too much when they call in asking us what kind of wine we have, since they just looked in the phonebook and saw "the vineyard". but when they actually come to our store...the first clue that we aren't a winery would be on the outside of the building where it says "books, music, gifts, cafe". wine is not on the list!! but still, we get it all the time. one specific time, a customer comes up to me in the cafe and says "soooo...you're not a winery?" "no" she starts to walk away, then turns around, "so why are you called the vineyard?"
Customer: "Can I ask you a question?"
Employee: "Uh, yeah."
Customer: "Why are you open on Sundays?"
Employee: Explanation...
*Note: Customer came in on a Sunday.
and last but not least, one of the running jokes at the vineyard. i'm sitting in customer service, minding my own business, doing some work on the computer. a customer is at the serivce desk, chatting with another employee that he knows. he then turns his attention to me. "why do you have your eyebrow pierced? you don't need that, you're too pretty for that" (because apparently, only ugly ppl should pierce their eyebrows) so i kinda answer him, but keep my focus on what i'm doing. (also, sidenote, at the time i had a few more piercings in my ears than i have now.) he then continues his converstion w/ the other employee, not for long though. he turns his attention back to me. (still minding my own business on the computer) "what's your name" he asks me. i tell him. then he says, "megan, what's on your mind?" i answer with the time, because it's almost time for me to get off. "no, besides that," he says, "there's something bothering you." i insist that i'm fine. he insists that i'm not. he's a pastor, so he gives me his card and tells me i can call him any time i need to. and then leaves me with this: "i'll tell you what. i'm going to put you on my prayer list. as a matter of fact, i''m going to bump you to the top."
megan, this is a great! post. i would love to tell you about stupid customers sometime.
That's awesome Megan...thanks for the laugh. I remember you telling that last one at bible study one time. That's funny stuff. I used to do tech support for Lexmark and I got all kinds of stupid customers too. One guy told me his coffee cup holder was broke (referring to the cd drive). Some people should just remain silent.
Top of the list? Impressive!!!!
Ahhh the stories that could be told by all retail people....hmmmm.
Thanks for sharing and making me laugh!
you'll definately have to tell me some you-you, there's no such thing as too many stupid customer stories.
angela- wow!! i mean, wow! did you laugh?? i think i might have...
yes, i am quite proud to be at the top of his prayer list. but who knows, by now he could have bumped someone else up to the top...
Okay - I have to admit something that is raw and painful.
When my husband and I were first married we purchased a new computer. It was great. But we couldn't turn the monitor on. We saw a volume knob and a brightness knob, but no 'ON' button.
So after 20 minutes on hold, Gary finally gets ahold of the help desk in India.
Gary: We can't seem to turn the monitor on. Is there an on button or should it just turn on automatically?
Help Desk: Did you see the big round button right on the front.
Gary: Well there is a big button, but it is the volume knob.
Help Desk: Did you try it?
Gary: I can't, the monitor is not ON!
Help Desk: Did you try the knob?
Gary: No
Help Desk: Push it.
Gary: You don't seem to understand- it turns to adjust the V-O-L-U-M-E.
Help Desk: Push it.
Gary: I'm telling you... oh. I have to push it. Thank you.
Help Desk: You are W-E-L-C-O-M-E.
Somebody in New Dehli was probably cramping up from our stupidity.
shannon, we appreciate your vulnerablitiy in this comment. we'll laugh quietly behind our hands for your sake and gary's.
Umm I think the Cow totally adds to the story...
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