this is me chatting with Fred (well, that's what we named him) at Bass Pro Shop.
my sister-in-law being the arms for the mannequin.
and at the beach...
and then my brother finally got home! here are some pics of his from Afghanistan and some after his arrival to the states.
That video is so cool Megan! Thanks for sending me your blog. This is great! I can send you messages.
looks like you were having a deep conversation with fred, there. what were you guys talking about?
i agree with becky: cool video.
Hooray! I've been anxiously awaiting this post. It was good to see Seth; he's just like his sister- always with the children and making them smile! I'm glad you're home, too, Megan.
Also, how in the world do you come up with those funny picture ideas. I think and think and think about fun pics for the kids and instead they just sit there and smile. Oh well. . .
Love the video. . . good reminder. . . "lest we forget". . . Amen!
So glad he's home and safe!
I hope you got Fred's number. He looks really in to you.
That's awesome! Enjoy your time in Savannah with your family-it's a great place!! We still need to do lunch, you know...
You crack me up, Megan! Next time you see Fred, please tell him Hello for me. I haven't seen him in years!
Have a great time with your family!
praise the Lord that He brought your brother home safe and sound! that was a beautiful video and i'm so glad he's back!
now about fred . . .
Thanks for posting Megan.
Welcome home Seth. I greatly appreciate your sacrificing the comforts and indulgences of home to do what you do.
I don't claim to have the gift of discernment, but Fred does not seem dynamic enough for the likes of you Miss Haug.
Great video Megan. So glad your brother is home. Still laughing about Fred.
oh finally some evidence of this trip!!
i'm so happy for all of you guys!! i can't even imagine how hard it is!!
Seth, i can't say how much you rock! really. i've never prayed so hard or loved someone i haven't met, you being the exception. Thank you so much for what you do!! Lots of love, lizzie
i'm gonna watch the video now!!
actually, Michelle, Fred did ask about you! he said that when your other 3 kids get home, you should all go visit him.
come on guys, NOTHING is going on between me and Fred! it was a simple conversation on Darwin's theory of evolution! (he had just watched the movie Expelled)
that's a good movie. did he agree or disagree with it?
WOW Megan the video is so cool of your brother. I bet you guys were very happy to see him. Miss you, Love lbh
sounds like fun, talking to Fred. What did you talk about?
Um... that turret at the end that said lest we forget... that smear on the right side was a suicide bombers brains.....
ur bro.
I have always been humbled by the fact that fellow Americans would place their lives in danger so I could enjoy my freedom!
Thank you for the vide! And please tell your brother thank you!
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