i know most of my blog followers are involved in Three Angels, but for those who have started reading to keep up with my stay in Haiti...let me give you some background.
i am here as a part of Three Angels Children's Relief. i think i've told everyone how i got involved...so i'll skip that and tell you a little bit about Haiti and what i'm doing here.
first, please continue to pray for Haiti. Haiti is one of the poorest countries in the western hemisphere...and all the hurricane's that have recently hit have made things even more difficult. here's an article i found from http://www.abc.net.au/news/stories/2008/09/10/2360479.htm:
Haiti hurricane death toll tops 100
Posted Wed Sep 10, 2008 10:00am AEST
More than 100 bodies have been found since Monday in Gonaives, the Haitian city hardest hit by Tropical Storm Hanna and Hurricane Ike, Vicky Delore-Ndjeuga, a spokesman for the UN Mission in Haiti said.
"As the floodwaters recede, we found three more bodies in the city," he said. "The total is now 101 dead," she said.
"If we don't find a way to deliver massive humanitarian aid, we will see fights and riots that will kill more people than the cyclone did," she warned.
Gonaives was flooded when Tropical Storm Hanna lashed the low-lying northern city surrounded by deforested hillsides at the start of September.
Four major storms, two of them hurricanes, have struck Haiti in less than four weeks.
All told more than 600 Haitians have died, and the disaster is still unfolding due to the challenge of delivering aid in the impoverished and waterlogged Caribbean country.
"We estimate that 800,000 people are in urgent need of humanitarian aide in Haiti," a spokeswoman for the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs said in Geneva, adding that almost half of them were children.

please pray that God would show this country mercy!!
i recently sent out an update email explaining what my days have looked like so far. if you didn't get it and would like to, please email me. (my email address is on my blog profile)
this is how i shower. don't be mislead by the facet handles. only a drip comes out of the facet. i leave it on and the drip keeps the blue tub full...so i'm always good to go for a nice bucket shower!
and this is our lunch. beans and rice!! it's actually pretty good!
okay... that's all for now. i promise i'll keep you more updated!!