This is a random post. about eyebrows.
i just think it's kinda funny. how much time, energy and even money we put into them. our eyebrows. you can pluck them. wax them. hair removal. laser. shave them. or even do "eyebrow threading" to shape them. the options are endless (okay, probably not endless- those 6 are the only options i can think of).
and isn't it just silly? i don't much care about my eyebrows, but i waste time and money on other things just as petty. no worries, i'm not going to get all preachy here. my purpose isn't to make everyone feel bad. but just think about it. everyday ppl get told they have HIV. cancer. their life changes as the result of an accident. ppl stave to death. child slaves. orphans. rape. even more devastating-- people die everyday without knowing who Christ is.
and we worry about the shape of a little bit of hair above our eyes. i'm not telling you to stop plucking. i'm going to keep tweezing. especially if you have a unibrow, i would recommend that you keep plucking or waxing or whatever you gotta do. i'm just saying we need to remember there are bigger fish to fry. there are bigger issues. we so easily get caught up in things like eyebrows, hair color, tanning, weight, manicures--- and there is nothing wrong with those things in themselves-- but in the end, they are meaningless. so is it not foolish to obsess and spend chunks of money on things that ultimately do not matter? should we not strive to be more heaven-minded?
I wonder if Jesus had nice eyebrows . . .
i still say you should call this the "haug blaug"...though maybe mentioning something this "petty" as a comment on THIS post was not the best idea...oh well.
and, i agree with what you said above: keep plucking, but pursue Christ more.
bleaching. so 7.
agreed. 100%
you have great eyebrows.
Hi! Just came across your blog via the Livesays and lol'd at this blog! We've recently sat around beweildered at the eyebrow culture clash...apparently as far as Haitian's go, the bushier the better! So, if you ever feel like throwin' in the tweez...
Lori(Haiti Children's Home, Mirebalais)
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