first off, i am sitting at the O'Hare airport in Chicago after a LOVELY visit with Shannon's family. i'm sure i am by far the most unusual house guest they've ever had (i mean, have you met me??) but i had a great time...hanging with the Hoffmann's (catchy, huh?), meeting Elias (you-you's brother), spending some time with Leah and her family, and meeting a bunch of other ppl that i can't name.
i saw a girl on my flight wearing this t-shirt:

it frustrates me. not simply because it's a bash on Bush, but because of the lack of respect we (the american culture) have. He is the President of the United States. i don't care if you disagree with every single thing he says and every decision he makes, he IS your President and he deserves your respect. in some countries, it can be a crime to disrespect the President. ah, but we have freedom of speech. (which that fact should make you thankful to be in this country...and should make you feel like you should at least somewhat appreciate the President of this country) ANYWAY, i am frustrated and sadden by the lack of respect that we feel we owe authorities. not only is it a Biblical truth, it USED to be a recognized as simply a moral truth, as it should still be.
oh goodness. i found a ton of new (new to me) AMAZING music. so yes, of course i'm going to share a song. :)
i originally decided, "heck i'll go ahead and post another song" when i heard the song "Clinging to the Crucified". (by Jeremy Casella on the "wake thy slumbering children" CD.) but then i heard this song and had to post it instead.
"My Lord I Did Not Choose You" Matthew Smith
how amazing is that song?? i love the lyrics...feel free to share your opinion/views (yeah, probably the same thing) on it. ah. i love it.
go to this website ONLY if you want to spend money on buying music right now. (i bought two so far)
great music says megan
if anyone ever tells you they don't listen to christian music because there isn't any good stuff out there...please direct them my way. i will find something they will like. that's my guarantee. (i am not saying that i believe all secular music is bad and you shouldn't listen to it, i'm simply saying there's A LOT of good christian music too)
to finish up my random thoughts at the airport: Karsen. the 5 year old little boy sitting directly in front of me from LA to Chicago. after a few hours of sitting on the plane (still sitting in the airport) i got to know those around me a little bit. there was 12 year old Peter sitting next to me. (funny kid, lots i could say about him, but we'll stick w/ Karsen) i believe next to him was Lori. in front of us, a business man (didn't talk w/ him too much), Trisha, and her son Karsen. we played games, he drew me pictures, and told me about his cousin Owen.

oh yeah. i almost forgot to mention. Karsen DID spill Diet Coke all over my lap. that was lovely.
okay, and that's all. except, if the airport is open 24 hours, why don't they have any 24 hour restaurants?? (i believe they may have one 24 hr starbucks, or maybe it's just open later than everything else)
AND these airport announcements get REALLY old and annoying REALLY fast.
i can't play the song, but i'm right there with you on the respect issues. my gosh, he is a good man. maybe he's made some mistakes but the way he's portrayed as a complete idiot is just disgusting. YOU try to become president (twice) and see if you're smart enough!!
i'm glad you had a good time in california and i'm sorry i couldn't get down there. but you like shannon, so you might be out again!
glad you made friends on the plane and sorry about the coke. hopefully you're home by now!
one time while waiting in the airport in Amsterdam i learned how to say "attention travellers, flight [say number here] has been changed [say to what gate here]"
i could say it for a while after, but now all i remember is "atensi austubift! fleuwt...something something"
couldn't listen to the song on here, but found it here:
true that. good lyrics. i might have to get me some of that.
sistre, well said about bush. megan, it's like that dumb bumper sticker we saw. we've lost that respect for authority. it's sad.
stupid itunes! but i think i may have fixed the problem!! (fingers crossed...) let me know.
sfixed! you out-smarted iTunes. nice work!
Yep, it worked that time. I couldn't hear it earlier. Great song. I just love reading your thoughts on life. Very insightful!!! I take it you are home now. Welcome back!!! Evansville just wasn't the same without ya. Shawn and I went to the Vineyard on Thursday and I was looking for you. Now I know where you were. :)
ARGH! I just got your voice-mails. See... aren't you glad I chose 'suffer gladly' instead of the regular 'ole glib 'Have a safe trip'?
Sorry your return journey was such a drag. Glad you made a buddy or two out of it.
I must say my children were very sad that you aren't here anymore. They did enjoy your little hunt though.
Thanks for coming! You have a room anytime you want it!
And Elias, I still can't get Miami airport's announcments out of my head! And I even had earplugs in! Ugh!
Megan, I am so glad you had a wonderful time!
Hope you are having a good trip.
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