John Newton- slave ship captain, writer of the hymn "Amazing Grace", and mentor to William Wilberforce who helped end the slave trade in Great Britian.
and my cat, Newton. named after John of course, not Sir Isaac or fig newtons. he might not be quite as inspiring as john newton, but he's cute.
oh newt...i was waiting for him to fall in the toliet! haha
you should get a video of him climbing up the wall.
You see if that was my little black cat, he would of falling in the toliet & would start to scream!
Too Funny! Thanks for the laughs!
What is it with cats and toilets. It's like the luxury water bowl I guess...they can't figure out how it keeps full all the time after all that drinking.
um, you totally forgot Olivia Newton John.
She transformed millions of adolescents and brought so much joy, style and romance to the sport of rollerskating.
yeah, i was waiting for him to fall in too, but apparently he has great toilet seat balance. he loves playing in water more than he likes to drink it!!
i'm sorry shannon, i only pay tribute to men. no woman has ever accomplished anything worth paying tribute to. (yes, i am only joking about that...)
Interesting to know.
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