Wednesday, October 31, 2007

when the saints

when i first heard this song, i thought of all the people involved in Three Angels. the ones who sacrifice their time and money. the ones who give all they have for the needs of these children and the people of Haiti. the ones who saw a need and didn't just wait for someone else to worry about it. the ones that have given an orphan a forever family. the ones who hear the call of Christ and simply obey. Thank you.

this video only shows a small portion of the saints involved with Three Angels, but thanks to everyone else that i either didn't have a picture of, ran out of song, or i simply don't even about the ways you serve TA's! and also, thanks to everyone that i stole pictures off your blogs! :)

"When the Saints was inspired by the work of International Justice Mission. Their work made me think about the people I have admired in history and made their kind of action seem more accessible. I have always admired Harriet Tubman, for instance. Her dedication to not just free herself, but to return over and over again to the place of her abuse and captivity to free over 300 others, and her dedication to physically carry her parents to Canada is beyond admirable. I have wondered if the Underground Railroad were around today, what role I would have played in it. Would I have risked friendships, finance, safety? When I learned that slavery is far from over, that there are more slaves today than in 400 years of transatlantic slave trading, that millions of those 27 million slaves are women and children, and that there is a very modern equivalent to the Underground Railroad at work today, I had to get involved. When the Saints is a celebration of people who were placed by God for certain times and events, and a prayer that I will have the strength to show up for my time. " -Sara


Elisabeth said...

That was awesome! i love it! the song sends the perfect message! Bravo!

Michelle said...

That's awesome, Megan!! Thanks!

Elias said...

what an awesome group of people from different countries and ages God has brought together as Three Angels!

Angela said...

awesome video's ok that you borrowed pictures...too funny :)

I love that song!!

Now as far as the video goes, I need some lessons on how to do the live footage with the still pictures. I still haven't figured that out yet.

Elias said...
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Sarah and Tim said...

Great Blog Megan, I really enjoyed that and am thankful that you shared that with us.!

Unknown said...

Awesome video Megan!

Brandy and Troy said...

What an awesome video!!