Monday, October 22, 2007

same song...

"I do not go to the Lord's table to give, but to receive; not to tell Christ how good I am, but to think how good He is. I have a great many sins and wants to tell Him of, more than would take up a lifetime; and when I have told Him all that I know of myself, it is not the half, but a very little of what He knows of me."
Rev. Thomas Adam

"It seems then, that Christians may forget Christ!...It appears almost impossible that those who have been redeemed by the blood of the dying Lamb, and loved with an everlasting love by the eternal Son of God, should forget that gracious Savior; but if startling to the ear, it is all too apparent to the eye to allow us to deny the crime...He whom we should make the abiding tenant of our memories is but a visitor there...Some creature steals away your heart, and you are unmindful of Him upon whom your affection ought to be set. Some earthly business engrosses your attention when you should fix your eye steadily upon the cross. It is the incessant turmoil of the world, the constant attraction of earthly things which takes away the soul from Christ. While memory too well preserves a poisonous weed, it suffers the rose of Sharon to wither." (not quote sure who this is of the Puritans. and there's all the "...." because i left parts out, simply to shorten it)

The same song was sung in scripture....

"Behold, God is great, and we know Him not." Job 36:26

"My people are bent on turning away from Me." Hosea 11:7

and i too have the same song....

i say that i live for the glory of God...but do I?? no. i live for myself. i go to work to make money, to pay bills and so i can buy things that i desire. i don't go to work to glorify God. i don't love God as i ought. He is infinately holy and righteous, and yet I, a mere creation, decide that other things are more worth my time than the One who has created me. i love the illustration of God being the potter, and we the clay. it's easy to lose persective of being a creation. that which is created is NOTHING without it's creator. not only can a creation not exist without a creator, the moment the creator takes his hand away, the creation ceases to exist. my every breath depends on God. i could not draw another breath if God choose to withdraw His hand. my being is because of the grace of God. and yet, i forget Christ. and yet, i am more mindful of other created things than the One who created all. Father, forgive me.


Anonymous said...

The second quote was from the good reverend Spurgeon out of his Morning and Evening devotional. Don't remember the date but the passage is for 1 Cor 11:24.

Excellent post Megan - should make us all think more harder and drink more deeply on the benefits we have in Jesus Christ.

megan haug said...

Spurgeon! thanks kevin.

angela said...

well, i'm convicted. it's a great post, megan. thank you!

Elias said...

right now i'm reading through Jeremiah and 2:10-13 stood out to me and i'm memorizing it:

For cross to the coasts of Cyprus and see,
or send to Kedar and examine with care;
see if there has been such a thing.
Has a nation changed its gods,
even though they are no gods?
But my people have changed their glory
for that which does not profit.
Be appalled, O heavens, at this;
be shocked, be utterly desolate,
declares the LORD,
for my people have committed two evils: they have forsaken me,
the fountain of living waters,
and hewed out cisterns for themselves,
broken cisterns that can hold no water.

so often we, too, forsake Christ, the fountain of living waters, and we hew out cisterns for ourselves. broken cisterns that hold no water.